Friday, April 24, 2020

Good boy. Great driver.

If you’re like most car owners, you have a dog or two, too. On occasion you let Fido ride shotgun, his head sticking out of the passenger’s side window, tongue flapping in the aggressive summer breeze. And you probably think that’s good enough. That it makes you a compassionate dog owner. But most dogs don't want to be owned - they want to drive. Spot’s a good boy, yearning to cruise himself and explore the vast American landscape like his pioneering foredogs.

Introducing, the BMW Barque 3 – the first car designed exclusively by dogs, for dogs. With groundbreaking canine-centric technology, young Rex will think he’d died and gone to dog heaven. Yes, there’s a separate heaven for dogs. Why not? There’s a separate vehicle for them now, too. 

Teams of panting engineers spent a dog century designing car keys perfectly molded to fit a pair of paws. There’s a drool guard, bowl holder and plush chew toy hanging beneath the rearview mirror. The brake and pedal are made to support the idiosyncratic maneuvers of a typical dog leg.

When we asked the chief designer to provide a quote for this ad, he bowed his head, scratched his ear and licked himself. That says it all, doesn’t it? Some things are beyond words, beyond comprehension. Because even dogs get tired of dog walks after a while. 

Every dog has his day. But only after first buying his car. 

*This is one of my favorite ads from the last 25 years. The media buy consisted of radio spots adjusted to specially-calibrated dog frequencies and billboards installed on fire hydrants. It was a simpler time when dogs were still allowed to drive. Before the government got involved and screwed everything up. 

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