Friday, November 15, 2024

The Dumb and the Dimmest


(The Best and the Brightest by David Halberstam, HC 1972)

When you’re building a team of any kind you want a wide array of intellects and personalities. You want people who complement each other, especially when the going gets tough. You need some folks who can stammer their way through any follow-up question. You’ll need people who sweat a lot under pressure, wiping the stained armpits of soiled dress shirts with monogrammed beach towels. You’ll want ranters, ravers, and anyone who believes streaking through a public place focuses the body and centers the spirit. 

This isn't about speaking truth to power. It's about speaking gibberish to everyone. 

Then you should always have people who can be counted on to treat themselves (and their gullets) to delicious paint chips, or what experts refer to as “brain food.” These snacking heroes will come at any problem from a slightly different angle giving you the diversity of opinion you so crave. Plus, you'll be able to alter the chi of your meeting room with a fresh coat.

Strength isn’t in numbers, it’s in mind-numbingly dumb people. You want to think outside the box? Then you will require individuals who will do things to that box you would never think of. But you will need a box, so dial up the Amazon deliveries before your first cabinet meeting and make sure there’s plenty of cardboard to go around. 

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