Monday, December 5, 2022

Cursory Rhymes


Kanye, Kanye, quite contrarye,

How does your thinking flow?

With stupid beats, and dumber tweets,

And lawyers taking all your dough.  


Hickory dickory crock.

The MC tried to shock.

The clock struck one,

The MC was done.

Hickory dickory crock. 


Ha, ha, hack creep,

Have you any sense?

Ye, sir, Ye sir,

That’s not a defense.

One for your brand,

One for your ex,

And one for the agent

Who cashes your checks. 


Little Robin Redwest,

Sat up for a pill,

Fame, fortune went to his head,

He seems mentally ill. 


Little Ronnie Rapper

Sings to seem dapper.

What shall we give him?

A lighter and a bookcase. 

How shall he make it

Without a fanbase?

How will he learn 

As a certified nutcase?   


Trumpty Dumpty said he would call, 

Trumpty Dumpty had lots of gall.

All the king’s idiots and all the king’s smarts

Couldn’t put Trumpty back on the charts.  

Kanye had a little scam,

its facts were a little faux.

And everywhere Kanye went

The scam was sure to go;

It followed him to work one day

But made him look like a jerk.

Making grifters laugh and cry

To see a scam at work. 


Three dumb podcasters. Three dumb podcasters.

See how they talk. See how they talk.

They talk faster and faster,

Without ideas but the force of a pastor,

Did you ever hear such a sight, dear master,

As three dumb podcasters?


There was an old rhymer who lived in a shoe,

He had so many problems blamed on the Jew,

He gave fans ideas to see how they spread;  

Then lied to all who thought him well-read.

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