Tuesday, September 12, 2023

(Stop) talking ‘bout your generation


The thing about generational cohort is that they are artificially created by bar graph enthusiasts and pencil chewing professors. It’s a way to divide people. There’s nothing inherently interesting about you because you’re boring during a certain date range. I don’t know anything important about you. It’s a modern-day form of astrology, only less scientific. 


Generations aren’t earned. You shouldn’t even ridicule someone for the generation they are allegedly a part of. It’s akin to making fun of someone because of the state they’re from. That’s a no-no, unless it’s Florida. 


It’s not a part of your identity. Labels should be grounded in evidence, as opposed to the roulette wheel that is the rotating cosmos. Your personality shouldn’t be dictated by the calendar. You’re not a baby boomer, you’re an aging hippie. You’re not a millennial, you’re a juice cleanse workout obsessive. You’re not a Gen-Zer, you’re a moron. These are labels I or anyone else can support. 

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