Monday, September 25, 2023

The Woodwork


It’s often said that people come out of the woodwork to reveal their true motives and opinions. No doubt a worrying development for the sensitive soul. But what if the subject in question is the woodwork itself. What then? 

Do they go into the woodwork for a closer look, examining the grains and grooves with an electron microscope? You might hear a few chortles about lacquer or remarks about inadequate sanding. Are they there to comment on potential splinters or points of asymmetry? Would they be within their rights to make a stink about detail and artistry? This is the woodwork I care about. The actual woodwork. 

Because should I ever seen grown men and women crawling between cracks in the cabinetry, I will only muster enough strength to applaud. Were they there the whole time, lurking and lounging? Why not ring the bell and walk in the front door like everyone else? I suppose there is something inherently dramatic tied to the leaping from a bedroom armoire to an unsuspecting sleeper. 

Perhaps, Jesus, a carpenter, was most worried not how he’d be accepted by the community but what people would say about his woodwork. 

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