When I meet people, or, to put it more precisely, when people meet me, they ask two questions: are your curls natural and how can I be funnier? Some will tell you on protracted podcasts that humor is innate, inborn, and inbred. Something you can’t teach because it’s a gift. And like a gift, the fruit in the basket rots if you don’t eat it. Comedy is not difficult. Here are some tips for the pre-funny.
Meme It Up
Why write your own joke when a google image search will yield more laughs than you’ll ever need? For every situation, there’s a familiar picture that someone has already photoshopped for your convenience.
Be Quotable
In our binge culture, very few people under thirty have seen the great comedy films of the past. That’s good for you, very good in fact. Why? Because you can continuously quote them without attribution. No one’s the wiser. But you are the funnier.
Funny story
If you have a funny story, don’t simply regale your listeners with the specifics. Tell me right off the bat how they are supposed to perceive it. “Funny story…” Those two words set the tone for how the audience is supposed to receive the information. Without this preamble, they are liable to cry – and not in the good way.
Spice Things Up
You know how pepper makes some people sneeze? Well, paprika does the same thing for laughter.
It really is that easy. Funny how that worked that, huh?