Friday, January 5, 2024

My New Week’s Resolution


Last year was different. It was last week. But aside from that, I was a different person. I used to scrounge in the collection plate for loose change, now I am a charitable person. I give to the poor, clothing, money, and outdate video game consoles. I started jogging, through neighborhoods, on highways, and in place when the weather is a tad too inclement. I eat probiotics and I never interrupt people. I let those with whom I disagree with finish their misguided statements. I joined a gym and began spin class. I think I’m a Buddhist now. I don’t eat meat, I don’t eat fish, I don’t drink anything – not even water. I’m on a total ice diet. We’ll see how climate change affects that newfound dietary restriction. And that’s that. 

At least until February 1st.  

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