Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Snow and Rain

Snow is different from rain. But I l still like comparing the two weather phenomena. 

For snow, you need a sled.

For rain, you need an umbrella.


Snow days are an important part of childhood. 

Rain Checks are an unfortunate part of adulthood.


With snow, you can make a projectile out of nothing but itself.

With rain, you need to purchase a balloon to the do the same. 


Snow makes everything brighter from the albedo effect.

Rain makes everything darker from foreboding clouds. 


A Snow Man is a classic example of childhood ingenuity. 

A Rain Man is an annoying character from a film starring a famous scientologist.


We make snow when we want to spend an afternoon skiing or snowboarding.

We make rain when we want to wash our car or dog. 


We need rain.

We want snow. 


Rain is something we complain about.

Snow is something we cherish. 


Meteorologists dread rain.

Meteorologists look forward to snow. 


A White Christmas conjures up glorious memories. 

A Wet Christmas does not. 


The worst thing that can happen to snow is for it to turn to rain. 

The best thing that can happen to rain is for it to turn to snow.  

Rain sends you running for home.

And snow sends you running for it. 

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