Monday, May 13, 2024

Hello, walls


Creative impasses are often worked through not by staring into the AI abyss and willingly accepting one’s inevitable obsolescence, but by banging your head against the wall. The thing is, there are many types of walls


Are we talking exterior or interior? Load-bearing or thin particle any fantasy Miyagi would have no trouble breaking through. 


The image of the archetypal lunatic, with different pairs of socks, muttering about entities following them, many picture this individual within the confines of a padded cell. Too bad padded cells are wonderfully safe spaces. Do you really need to break through something for a breakthrough? 

Hard to say. Though hard usually depends on the material in question. Unlike brick and wood, pads give you the ability to effortlessly bounce of the walls. A rather novel idea, for those with something on their mind. 


This is why there is a tepid puddle of sameness throughout creative fields. People don’t know where to safely bang their heads. Instead of focusing on how committed your employees are to their jobs, focus on getting them committed. It’ll do wonders for their productivity. Because hitting the wall should be the start of a new, beautiful way of thinking. 

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