Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Many hats


As the saying goes, everyone wears a different hat. Some wear multiple ones at the same time. But there are others who don’t appreciate that every piece of headgear has an important function. 



The other day I found myself in line behind a bicyclist. I wasn’t driving. I was standing, waiting to buy a few rhubarb stalks. How could I identify this person without their two-wheeled conveyance anywhere in sight? Simple. They were still wearing their helmet. 


Donning a hat indoors if rude but wearing a helmet without a bike is downright idiotic. But it’s social marker. It carries cachet in the certain regions of Kings County. Where the streets slope towards the park and the finest stone is brown.  


To be fair, maybe this person needed to protect their precious brain matter, even while standing. 

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