Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Outside agitators


They’re becoming a real problem in the country’s dwindling great cities. They tend to arrive in flocks, squawking at authorities and flaunting the rules. They sing at all hours, keeping neighbors from dozing off without disturbance. They aren’t from around here, preferring to adopt migration patterns of more open communities. They relieve themselves in the open and pay little heed to monumental sculptures., They change directions based on which way the wind blows. They aren’t exactly well-informed either. But they subsist on scraps, diving in dumpsters, gutters, and anywhere else that provides a morsel of grub. They can be incredibly annoying. But freedom of assembly is taken quite seriously by all those of good conscience. They have a big advantage when the cops are called to break things up that other protesting hordes lack: the ability to fly away. 

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