Monday, August 5, 2024

Beaten into submission


The following is a diverse list of articles I sent to The New York Times opinion section for immediate publication. They remain in submission limbo, neither accepted or rejected, destined for an eternity in the unread portion of an editor's mailbox. Until now. 

A pigeon defecated on my shoulder; now I understand the absurdity of high fashion


Yes, you should absolutely interrupt people more


Why I freak out when I see cookies of any kind on a dessert menu


Stop asking me if the milk smells okay


Why pickleball should be outlawed and its proponents incarcerated 


The beauty of being very wrong about nearly everything


Put that champagne flute down: the finest glassware for toasting


The case against reading 


When a pimple is a metaphor 


The real reason most electricians have stopped using the phrase “not the brightest bulb”

You too, huh?

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