Friday, August 30, 2024

Pay your dews


(Mountain Dew TV Commercial, 1984)

Young employees everywhere seem to be unwilling to pay their dues. They aren’t into the idea of spending long hours engaged in tedious manual labor while confined to a tiny windowless room. “Dues” as a concept are frequently misunderstood. If they actually grasp the idea at all, since it evokes the greasy tardiness associated with the Dewey Decimal System. What libraries hath wrought on misbehaving members deep in the literary arrears. But the fines are fine now. No one has to pay extra for misplacing or outright stealing a cherished tome. It’s all considered the cost of doing business. 


In their zeal to advance in their chosen career, these clear-eyed youths are forgetting one important thing: paying their dews. That’s not something anyone can get around. It could be the dew point, coating their rickety sedan with a film of morning moisture. Or at a time when everything carbonated is either sparkling water or alcohol, there are those soda partisans still very much committed to the dew. Is it good for you? No way. But neither is paying your dues. So you have a choice, work hard to get ahead through late nights and long hours or guzzling milk crates of a devilishly yellow liquid. No, not that one. Although it helps. You want to show that you career about something, even if that something is a mid-tier sugary soda that few give the time of day to anymore.


One is path natural, one is anything but. 

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