Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Just Don't Do It


When an advertisinge icon passes away, it’s can be dislocating for everyone even peripherally connected to the dearly departed. You can’t quite find the words, even though you’re in the communication business. You don’t know what to say, but you know you have to say something, lest people think you’re some marginal figure. 

Here’s what you do. You find a picture of yourself and the late leader. You tell a story about how they changed your life. But here’s the thing, the story should be about how great you are, not them. People are already quite familiar with their genius, but may not realize what an innovator you are. 

It’s why you have to tell them. The story should play into your strengths, while getting the deceased to tacitly vouch for your abilities. Dead men tell no lies, nor do they disagree.  

Use words like love. While this may seem like a eulogy, it’s more like a job application. You need your peers to put you on the same level. This is your chance. You never know what recruiter will notice. 

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