Thursday, March 2, 2023

Caulk the caulk



With a premium placed on walking the walk, walking the talk, talking the talk, and talking the walk, there’s very little time to address much else. As long as we’re rhyming, why not caulk the caulk? I realize caulking is reserved for cracks in your bathroom tile, huge gaps in your molding, and anything else in the home left unfulfilled. 

What I’m talking about is slightly different from the craftsman’s favorite task. It’s one thing to caulk a place in need of it and something else to caulk the caulk. I imagine it’s a lot like the glorious day when a gluttonous diner invented the double cheeseburger in a moment of epiphany and zeal. Or writing a sitcom subplot featuring identical twins with gusto, verve and mediocrity. It’s a way of doing something extra and embracing the superfluity of certain moments. Is it necessary? When you get down to it, what is? 

Not everyone is meant to caulk the caulk. Are you? 

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