Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Hysterical Reenactments

When most of us think of reenactments and the reenactors committed to the old method, we see musket smoke, smell hard tack, and hear the faint chords of the Battle Hymn resonating in the distance. But there’s more to the life of a reenactor than nostalgia for a nation divided in two.

Actors get all the awards and accolades from a slobbering press corps. But all they are doing is make believe. Pretend. Taking a script and going with it. A reenactor must color within the lines. Now they usually don’t have to learn any lines, and most camera angles are a little askew to maintain the illusion of reality for the audience. 

Reenactors are usually playing infamous individuals, portraying them in a worse light. Quite literally, when you consider the sun-bleached lighting within the typical reenactment. Daniel Day-Lewis has the benefit of a team of makeup artists and craft service tents. Not these people, devoted to living a bygone existence when no one is watching – not even the Academy. That’s commitment. That’s method. That’s madness. 

So where are their awards? 

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