Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Eh I


Technology has come so far, so fast. It seems like just yesterday that we were sitting on our hands, waiting patiently as early Internet pages barely materialized after minutes of buzzing and beeping from a dial-up modem. But the AI revolution is something else entirely. Many so-called humanists have forsaken their closest friends for purer screen companionship with certain chatbots that shall remain faceless. Not nameless though – I bet you can guess that. 

My reluctance to jump in was a result of cautiousness. That’s changed with the advent of Eh I. I no longer have to fake it when someone asks me to explain the difference between bacon and Canadian bacon. I now have assistance when explaining the events that led to Gordon Lightfoot’s success. I can speak extemporaneously on why SCTV has sturdier legacy than the decomposing behemoth that is SNL.

Being Canadian is profound, but as an American I could ever get so close to it. The music of Neil Young, the iconography of a cartoon moose, and the real estate rantings by sore losers after another presidential election doesn’t go their way. Canada is so close, yet so far. But now, with Eh I, we can finally relate to our quirky friends to the north with real slang and authentic pop culture references. 

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