Tuesday, December 12, 2023

My Writer's Block

I’m a wordsmith. People I know, trust, and owe a great deal of money often ask me, “what’s a wordsmith?” That and, “is it the same thing as a writer?” A wordsmith is something far different. Writers write while wordsmiths smith words. 

They ask, “smithing words, what’s that? Sounds expensive.” It can be, which is why I rely on the generosity and financial liquidity of close friends and strangers. I would never lend someone I didn’t trust money. But I would receive money from more or less anyone. Back to smithing. The first thing you’ll need is anvil and a very large hammer. Writing a sentence is not something you can do in a vacuum, unless it’s big enough to fit your laptop, notebook, power cord, plus the aforementioned anvil and hammer. 

I have been known to pound the spine of a dictionary until I discover the perfect word. Not sure how many times you've tried reading the thing. I can tell you from experience, it doesn't work. Like a smithing, it involves heating, cooling, dirty goggles and a flame-retardant apron. Yes, of course I have the calluses to prove it. 

Construction workers and laborers rightfully accuse many writers of being dainty, sheltered souls. Not me though. Especially with the forging I do between a testy preposition and a run-on sentence. I work with my hands, much like a sanitation worker or licensed masseuse. And like both, I help people, despite frequently smelling like garbage. 

The harsh pounding required to smith a word can go on for hours, sometimes days. It’s why I don’t ever get writer’s block, though I do own several writers’ blocks. The anvils, remember them? Perfect inspiration or sharpening a scimitar. You never know which one you'll need first. 

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