Monday, December 18, 2023

Just Floating an Idea



The older I get, the more I seem to have come to an appreciation for really great marketing ideas. It’s probably because I’ve had more than my fair share. What can be really difficult is separating the wheat from the chaff, or good ideas from great ideas. Some people use white boards or index cards, or keep everything stored up inside screaming to come out. 


However, my time-honored technique dates back centuries. Though, it’s original purpose was not to benefit advertising, the principles are very much the same. 


Back in the olden days, say pre-Internet sometime, when someone was first accused of practicing witchcraft without a license, it was understood that such an allegation could not go uninvestigated. What you’d do is tie them up and toss them into a body of water, watching whether they sink or float. If they float, they’re a witch. If they sink, they’re dead, but not a witch. Clear consciences all around. 


Besides being a good way to determine supernatural abilities, it was also quite entertaining. Which is precisely why I’ve updated it to fit the complicated world of modern advertising. When I come across a potentially great idea, there is only one thing to do. Write the idea down on a piece of paper and tie it to the chest of the person staking their career and reputation on it. Then tossing them into the Hudson River, a temperamental tidal estuary only a few blocks from my office. First of all, it’s convenient. Secondly, when floating an idea out there, it’s important to actually float it. 

What this does is prevent people from engaging in freewheeling spit balling, where “everything is on the table.” Knowing that they might have to fend off large container ships in the middle of the New York harbor would make even the most careless creative director think twice.

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