Monday, July 12, 2021

Getting Bitter All the Time


There’s something to be said for letting things go. For letting obstacles casually roll off your back without as much as a second thought. And that’s still true when excruciating back problems and throbbing joints dominate your every crouch and lean. Because not everything rolls well, since not everything enjoys a nice new set of wheels. Some things streak while other things dent. You never can tell what’s going to leave a mark and what will hardly be remembered in a day or so. 

When the time comes to plop down on an expensive leather couch for an extended session with a prying shrink, letting things go often benefits the plopper. The money spent spilling your soul is greatly improved by moving onto fresh territory each week. Constantly dissecting the same few subjects isn’t bad for your mental state as much as your financial one. You don’t always know it at first, but the good doctor doesn’t want to deal with the same thing every week either. It’s like watching a repeat when they’d much prefer hearing a new tale of woe. It’s nice not always knowing the plot.

But for many in the working world, bitterness is the fuel that drives them. And why not? I’ve never been one to call out bitter folks. For one thing, bitter is one vowel away from better. It’s why I’ve always given bad (rad) and crummy (chummy) people the benefit of the doubt. 

What’s one letter off in the scheme of things? 


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