Thursday, July 8, 2021

Run Along

Running from something is much easier than running for something. Otherwise, you’re like a politician who’s forced to take a side on every issue and stand for every single thing. You won’t have a stand-in to take the heat either. Your opponents, your constituents and your miscellaneous jungle cats will still walk all over you. They’ll be lying in wait, ready to pounce with a series of gotcha questions or sharpened claws meant for mauling.

It’s why, when asked anything, no matter how inconsequential it seems at the time, never put your hand up. Unless you prefer to wave your personal life goodbye. You’re stepping out on your old existence for one that’s dictated by people you have never met. For this reason, and many others, your handlers will help jog your memory at every campaign event, imploring you to get better with names. 

In any race, there’s a winner and a whole lot of losers. Lead the way, take each criticism in stride, and march to the beat of a different chief of staff. Tread lightly, troop across, and steer every conversation onto subjects you’re familiar with discussing. That means Russian novels can take a hike.

Stroll around, saunter along, and ramble through your term. Trudge on your own merits unless you'd rather plod on. Ramble, amble, and let yourself wander. There’s the whole notion of leaning in, which is fine as long as you avoid tipping over. Achieving the perfect balance takes time, practice, and the right pair of athletic shoes. 

But when, if ever, will you be allowed to put your feet up? Maybe when you’re unceremoniously ushered out of office? Get a move on, your enemies are at the elevator bank. A standard fight or flight response requires either strong fists or a large cache of frequent flyer miles (you have neither). Might be time to make a run for it. Hurry, scurry, dart, and dash. Scamper, scuttle, zoom, and zip. Speed, streak, boogie, and bolt. Gallop, hurtle, bomb, and rush. Don’t forget a copy of the constitution on your indefinite constitutional. It could come in handy at a show trial down the road. 

Tired yet? You could take this sitting down. 

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