Friday, July 16, 2021

Tautology 101

All work and no play would make anyone a dull person. Constant labor and very little pleasure create an atmosphere of boredom that inevitably seeps into one’s personality. The daily grind gets to you after a while, especially in the absence of relaxing diversions. Round the clock drudgery sans any real amusement leads to the cruel acceptance of a tedious existence. A 24-hour-a-day-job devoid of genuine distraction sucks the joy out of life. Repeat after me: repetition for repetition’s sake is worth repeating. Repetition for repetition’s sake is worth repeating. 

“Hey Jack, do you want to go out for some drinks after work? Some of us are meeting around the corner for happy hour.”




“Hi there, Jack, a few of us were thinking we’d duck out early and take a look at the new exhibit at MoMA, something about post-expressive self-impressionism, before it closes. Wanna tag along?”




“Jack? You busy? Some of the guys mentioned working from home after lunch, it’s Friday, after all.”




“Are you sending your emails to proofreading? I’m not sure that’s necessary.”




“Jack, the fire marshal is here and hey says everyone has to meet in the lobby to discuss emergency situations. Coming?”




“Umm, Jack, not sure if you noticed the smoke, but it’s getting pretty heavy as you can see, or maybe you can’t see. Most of us are taking the stairs since you’re not supposed to take the elevator in a fire. You might’ve known that had you attended the meeting last week.”




“Mr. Off, this is Chief O’Sullivan with the FDNY, you have to come out before we condemn the building. I’m not risking one my guys lives to save a moron like yourself. You have 5 minutes.”




“Hey Jack, can you hear me? I’ve never used a megaphone before. It’s more garbled than I expected. You should really come out before smoke inhalation sets in. We’re actually pitching the fire department now. Apparently, they aren’t happy with their current agency. Was thinking instead of emphasizing fire we’d push water as the angle. More blues, fewer reds. What do you think?”


“I’m coming down now.” 

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