Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Blurb Your Enthusiasm


Advance Malaise for Clove Cussler’s GARLIC PRESS: How a certain flowering plant can revolutionize and save the Fourth Estate from certain death, and taste a whole lot better in the process. 

“The subtitle is a little long, no?”

-Peels Morgan

“This is not a good book in the sense that it’s well-written. The author isn’t a stylist and he doesn’t have a way with words. But the subject matter is important. I’ll give him that.”

-Allium O'Flaherty

“As I’m writing this, the book is situated between two rolls of the softest toilet paper. I won’t name it – since such a double-barreled advertisement wouldn't be fair. Charmin' hasn't ponied up any money for the privilege. Oops.”

-Harper Leek 

“No expense was spared in the writing on this tome. Except for maybe an editor. I mean, really. The book jacket is big enough it could replace my vintage down coat. All I’d have to do is cut a few arm holes in each sleeve and resign myself to adorning my backside with the author’s portrait until the start of spring.”

-H.G. Smells

“Look, I didn’t read it. I was supposed to. I had months and months of email reminders and phone calls from my agent. It must've slipped my mind. There are quite a few things higher on my priority list than discursive takes on garlic. I just couldn’t pick it up and get started. But I have the benefit of reading the other blurbs first. And I have to say…interesting.”

-Chive James

“I don’t get it. Is the newspaper made from garlic or is garlic a metaphor for the bitter taste hard news tastes like for the average consumer? Is a double-page spread suddenly something done on toast with a butter knife and a few turns from a nearby pepper mill?”

-Bulb Costas

“Thought it was going to more about the whole happy onion family. Very disappointed.” 

-Mel Cooks

“The author dances around the issue but never takes a firm stance on the use of garlic powder. It’s almost like he’s afraid to alienate a certain segment of the pizza-chewing public.” 

-Immanuel Plant

“Not the book anyone needed or remotely wanted. Though it did give me the motivation to bake some garlic bread. If you want to call that a positive, albeit unintended consequence, so be it.”

-Elizabreath Gilbert

“Great, now I’m hungry.”

-Garrlic Shandling

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