Monday, May 2, 2022

Admit Nothing

Hello, Boise, Idaho, you’re on the air. 

Hi, thanks for taking my call. What are you thoughts on the code?

No clue. Lansing, Michigan, go.

Can you elaborate on criminal justice reform?

Nope. Binghamton, New York. You’re up.

What’s the deal with healthcare in this country?

Wouldn’t even know where to begin. Cape Verde. Ooh, exotic. How are you this morning?

Great. Why aren’t their term limits?

No idea. That’s enough calls for now. The phones are lighting up right now and I’ll try to get to all of you before we hand things off to The Magic Hour, where good people master illusion through theater of the mind. They say levitating is a little easier when no one can see you try. This is Rory O’Dunno and you’re listening to Admit Nothing, the only show where answers are immaterial. Glasgow, Scotland. You’re next.

I could use a primer on modern day economics.

Well, you’re not going to one here. Thanks for the call. Eureka, CA, what do you have to say for yourself? 

I think this show is all wrong. When are you going to take a position on something, on anything? We listen every morning praying to the Lord above you’ll slip up. 

Thanks for listening. I’m merely a vessel. You people are the show. Pierre, South Dakota, talk to me. 

I’m calling because my check engine light is coming on even though I just changed the oil.

Can’t help ya, Pierre. 

Wait. I don’t understand. This isn’t political. I need help.

You sure do. This is the only show that never tells you what to think. Admit Nothing. Paid for by I’d rather not say. I’m Roy O’Dunno, see ya tomorrow? Oh, I dunno.

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