Thursday, November 3, 2022

Blue Check, Please


There’s a lot of outrage surrounding Elon Musk’s plan to charge for verified Twitter accounts. However, I believe that the best things in life come a price. When they’re free, someone, after an inevitable debacle, invariably says, “you get what you pay for.” 

No one gives you lobster for free, unless you illegally rip a tangled trap out of the sea. But do you really want the Fish and Game warden breathing down your neck simply for the privilege of having a criminally complimentary, quite buttery crustacean dinner? I don’t need that. “Market Price,” you say? Whatever that means, fine, I’ll pay it. 

Free cars require a generous friend or hot-wiring wherewithal.

Will we no longer know who to trust? Naturally. I’ve come to use the mysterious Twitter verification process to vet role models and potential mentors. Now, I don’t have a Twitter account, I don’t want a Twitter account, and like everyone else, I don’t need a Twitter account. But it’s sure nice to know what 8 dollars gets you a shiny blue check mark. Because these days, that won’t even get you a sandwich. 

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