Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Chappelles and Oranges

I have a wonderful, one-of-a-kind sense of humor. When people meet me and discover what I find funny, it’s akin to uncovering a rare jewel. Not something they come across every day. And like a jewel, it’s worth a ton of money. I’m in the process of turning my unique sense of humor into an NFT. A little early Christmas present to myself. 

I can get behind mockery and ridicule of every stripe. Especially when it’s tinged with intelligence and a dollop of mean-spiritedness. 

The thing is, despite my world-class sense of humor, I tend to take things personally. But only those things that I deem unfunny. It’s not like I take funny things the wrong way. That would be offensive. I can tell when a joke isn’t a joke but rather, a statement. Sadly, not everyone has that ability. 

There are some things you can’t ever make light of. What are those things? Good question. Whatever I say. Some people laugh or don’t laugh. I laugh or contact nearby defamation league for financial and moral assistance.

Have I mentioned that I’m a putz?

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