Monday, June 5, 2023

All Men are Curated Equal


The last thing comedians do these days is write jokes. They start podcasts, visit podcasts, talk about podcasts, and in some rare cases, get the incredible opportunity to curate an exhibit at a major art museum. Qualifications? Who needs ‘em? Hannah Gadsby is one such performer, defying the boundaries of what it means to be funny. What most people don’t know is that her Picasso show, cleverly titled, “Pablo-matic” is merely the beginning of a new career picking off sacred cows and rare geniuses with a pun and a lecture. What’s next for the humoress

from down under? I’ll tell you. 

I hear she’s working on a new book called, William Mistakespeare, why the Bard is bad.

Then she’s writing an epic poem called, “B.S. Eliot” on the issues swirling around T.S. 

She’s working on a symphony entitled, “The Vicious Song Cycle of Richard Bagner,” about sacking the composer and removing his works from civilized society. 

Here’s hoping one day she will work on an elaborate Tweet thread about me and call it, O. Fensive. What an honor that would be. 

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