Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Emperor Has No (Good) Clothes


When it comes to politicians of every persuasion, there is this minor problem of how they look. They don’t dress with any sense of style. Suits and ties are worn pretty much nowhere else outside of government and maybe a few corporate environments. It’s one thing for them all to think the same – that’s to be expected. But why do they have to dress the same?


They aren’t even nice suits. People went wild when Obama wore a tan suit, but he was onto something. Where’s Tom Wolfe when you need him? I know he’s literally dead, but his flare for the sartorially stunning might be worth considering. Then again, how about we scrap suits entirely in favor of something a bit more interesting?


I’ve thought long and hard about just how elected officials everywhere dress, and I have an idea that would solve our little problem with term limits. It would incentivize a different cast of characters.  




Make it mandatory and then you’d see some new names on the docket. You really think Strom Thurmond would’ve hung onto to his seat for dear life had he know there was a naked requirement? For many, sitting in the congressional cafeteria without so much as a fig leaf is enough to stay in the private sector. 


Some might say, “nobody wants to see this.” I agree, however, don’t you think the ratings for C-SPAN would go up with a newfound commitment to showing more skin? Who knows, they might even start to focus on their job instead of what's in their closet.


Because whatever we’re doing isn’t working. 

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