Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Nervous Tech

Does technology terrify you? Are you worried about the implications of artificial intelligence? Do you go around saying almost verbatim that the industrial revolution was disaster for the human race? Are you nervous about social media? Does the scene in Office Space where they break computers with baseball bats stir something deep in your soul (and maybe your loins)? Are you concerned about what this means for the job landscape? Have no fear because I have a plan for you to persevere in such uncertain times. 

Don’t let new inventions stand in your way. Instead, leave the city if you live in one. Escape the burbs, should you reside there. Flee the country, for even that’s too crowded. What you need is a reset, an isolated place, where no one can get to you.

How does Montana sound? Go deep into the wilderness, far from a strong internet connection and off the beaten path where WiFi is spotty. You need a phone, a computer, or a comb. You won’t be shaving. You shouldn't need a calculator, since you're so good at math. 

The place to sleep is simply that: a place to sleep. You cannot be near tech billionaires with their cathedral ceilings and palatial decks. No jacuzzi. This should be a modest abode, with a tiny footprint. Let’s say you, for whatever reason, end up spending some time in a supermax prison. For you, unlike others, that wouldn’t be considered downsizing.  

You’re going to be on your own. No friends, no associates, no running water. 

Remind you of anyone? 

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