Thursday, October 19, 2023

50 Ways to Peeve Your Lover


1.     Forget to take out the trash, Ash

2.     File your taxes late, Kate

3.     Max out your credit card, Gaspard 

4.     Overcook din, Lynn

5.     Miss a dish, Trish

6.     Stain the wall, Paul

7.     Track in mud, Bud

8.     Overwater a houseplant, Brant

9.     Spill some tea, Leigh

10.  Stain the bed, Ned

11.  Smudge the crystal, Crystal

12.  Transfer your life savings from a bank to a tube sock, Doc

13.  Buy ice cream that’s non-dairy, Terry

14.  Incessantly click your pen, Len

15.  Attribute everything in life to dumb luck, Chuck

16.  Refer to your significant other as “pal”, Hal

17.  Ignore the dehumidifier so your basement gets dank, Hank

18.  Trade your comfy bed for a gurney, Ernie

19.  Underprove your bake, Jake

20.  Don’t properly cut the wheels on a hill when you park, Mark

21.  Get an inappropriate tat, Pat

22.  Cop an attitude, Jude

23.  Lose the lease, Reese

24.  Behave like a martyr, Carter

25.  Subpar shoveling when it’s snowy, Chloe

26.  Ruin the dining table with melted candlewax, Max

27.  Act like a snob, Bob

28.  Constantly annoy, Troy

29.  Emphasize the superfluous, Russ

30.  Make a scene, Francine

31.  Too much dip, Skip

32.  Mindlessly unsort and recycle, Michael

33.  Bad breath, Seth

34.  Burn the chili, Billy

35.  Too hysteric, Eric

36.  Be naïve, Steve

37.  Perpetrate a global scam, Sam

38.  During dinner you yawn, Juan

39.  No epiphany, Tiffany

40.  Cork the wine, Tyne

41.  Always mad, Brad

42.  Move too slow, Moe

43.  Too much schtick, Rick

44.  Rant and rave, Dave

45.  Very gassy, Cassie

46.  Poor sport, Mort

47.  Never ready, Eddie

48.  Turn out to be a conman, Dan

49.  Late on the rent, Trent

50.  Lie and cheat, Pete

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