Monday, October 16, 2023

Can you hate hummus?

Some people in the media will tell you that it’s not okay to hate hummus. That you can’t dislike a specific dip that gives you painful indigestion because other sauces and condiments can also lead to similar distress. They argue that other savory spreads attack your insides too. Like wild country paté. But at least with that you get a small insight into the moneyed world of 18th century nobleman. Hummus does nothing of the sort. They concede it smells, but that hasn’t stop you from consuming fermented shark while on retracing a Viking voyage.  

The reality is, you can and should hate hummus. And you can and should hate lots of other dishes that crowd the table. You don’t have to choose between sauces and spreads. It’s a false choice to argue that if you hate hummus, you must love thousand island dressing. It’s just not true. You can hate both and still eat well. 

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