Thursday, October 26, 2023

Streaker of the House


The quickest way to stand out as a member of congress is to become a full-on streaker. Now you might think that in a group like that, parading naked through its halls is not exactly considered unusual behavior. While it’s true that sheer stupidity is to congress what raw athleticism is to the NBA, a college-style streaker is still rare. Most people gain followers by saying insanely idiotic things. That’s because politicians are less accustomed to accomplishing anything – good or bad. 

But a streaker’s role is an important one, especially as the fall legislative session kicks into high gear. The position is one of significant importance for a fraternity. Shameless individuals are attracted to it, while everyone else recoils in disgust. 

And what is congress if not a fraternity full of the incomparably shameless and mediocre?

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