Thursday, October 26, 2023

Binge and Merge


That’s essentially the philosophy behind gigantic corporate mergers. Some worry about the lack of competitive edge, but I don’t. Because whenever I see a map – preferably the Mercator projection – I long for the wild, weedy days of Pangea. So much land and so many possibilities. One of my great desires is to do a road trip across the globe, which has been made impossible due to the shifting whims of plate tectonics. Too much ocean, too many archipelagos. 


As someone with many atlases to his name, companies are basically the same. Pangea was a pure land mass. It didn’t have any of the issues associated with island warfare. It was one big happy continent. I believe the same outcome is in store for the corporate world – that’s if it wants such a wide open future. 


I don’t want several ad agencies – I want one superagency that works on every brand for every client. Every employee would dress the same; down to their slacks, corduroy blazer and vibrant sleeve tattoo. People scoff at the notion that a company is like a family. I tend to agree. Since I think a company should be more akin to a small country than a large family.

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