Monday, October 23, 2023

Laundered Gentry


The problem mankind has faced since exiting the Garden is our obsession with laundry. Clothes require cleaning and cleaning requires time. Which is odd since bathing aka skin laundry, is generally speaking an enjoyable experience. But the moment you’re washing a jean jacket instead of your grimy shoulder blade things change. 


Eating, while similarly monotonous, remains the best part of most days. It’s something to look forward to even for the dietarily restricted.


This is why the true mark of privilege is one’s distance from the act of laundry. Wealth is measured not in money but in piles of clothes. The ability to insulate oneself from the smell of detergent should be how success is judged. Like owning three hundred and sixty-five different outfits for every day of the year. At least that’s a start. Laundry is the only form of procrastination with such inherent joylessness, it makes you want to do something legitimately productive.   


Either that or commit to a nude lifestyle. Those are the only two choices. 

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