Friday, November 10, 2023

Humor shields

The use of humor shields is far more common as the civilized world wises up to the danger of laughter. Laughter is an involuntary response, which makes it wildly disturbing for those in power. Luckily, there are tools in place to prevent people from laughing at the wrong thing or at the wrong time. You must serve it up in the right context, alongside the necessary caveats, no matter how extensive.  

What you do is take a joke, or anything remotely funny, and you wrap it in serious disclaimers. Every aspect of the quip must be qualified or contextualized to sap it of its humor. Something simple and interesting quickly transforms into something both strange and offensive.

Not everyone can tell if something is offensive without footnotes and a lengthy explanation. That’s why it’s important to totally envelop any comic attempt in humor shields. Ultimately, the people are who deserve to be shielded from humor, lest they get a different idea. 

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