Friday, November 3, 2023

Late Night Programming


As networks scramble for what to air late at night, they should consider bucking the norms. At this point in television history, there’s no need to place a lukewarm body behind a fake wood desk, lording over guests like a feudal chieftain. It’s not their office, so they don’t need a desk. They aren’t there late at night, doing paperwork, long after the last grip has gone home in an empty panel van. 


Instead of a host for a typical variety show, why not let infomercials run in their place? Everyone could use more cutlery, especially the kind that can saw the handle off a bank vault. 


Televising obscure sports from a distant land could be nice. Why not watch a bunch of foreigners chase after a ball riding an endangered beast? 


You could do something more minimalist. For instance, the snowy fuzz of yesteryear was mesmerizing for a certain generation. The tech guru’s static yule log. 


It can’t be any worse than what we keep rolling out there. Can it?   

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