Monday, November 13, 2023

Odorless, Colorless, Driverless

The prospect of autonomous vehicles is one small step for drivers, one giant leap for insurance companies. But for me, a truly driverless car is not the reward to a life of cruising down the open road, but a punishment for a career of highway sinning.

The very worst drivers should not lose their licenses after yet another serious violation. They should have to watch as their car drives without them in control. Because it is control they are seeking and control they must lose.

For a lunatic driver, one used to weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating the nearest bumper in sight, and other boorish actions, a driverless future is what they dread the most. Being a passenger and watching as the car itself has all the fun. It’s different letting a friend take the wheel from time to time. The car as driver makes us utterly obsolete. Someone accustomed to rolling up on the median and cutting off fellow drivers will have a difficult time as a legally mandated passenger. 

As for all the good drivers out there? Well, they are free to keep cruising. That’s their reward.  

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