Thursday, November 9, 2023

Sock it to Me


It’s getting colder, which means that many people will start digging thick wool socks out of musty storage units. It’s understood that during the fall and winter, keeping one’s extremities warm is a key part of daily survival. But why does it stop there?

Socks, though often derided as a thoughtless gift, have true staying power. I know people who have little to no personality besides the colorful patterns adoring their feet. It’s a way of being interesting without being interesting. 

If everyone accepts the importance of socks, why is it that we stop at knee? It seems like we’re leaving a lot of skin on the table. 

Because body socks exist. Imagine a world where everyone from Halloween to St. Patrick’s Day wore full body socks. First of all, it would make dressing for work that much easier. Think of how cozy and simple it would make things. The only reason people consider wearing a body sock crazy in public is because those are the only people who do it currently. But we could change all that with a commitment to comfort. Socks are interesting in ways most clothes – and people – are not. 

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