Monday, June 17, 2024

Irrational actors


It’s easy to pick on Tom Cruise. For one thing, he’s a little fella. For another, he is truly an irrational actor. Just not for the reasons you think. Most people criticize his faith, the fact that he’s been making the same movie for nearly thirty years. His missions sure seem possible. 

There are other supposed irrational actors. The Walkens, Jacksons and Deniros. Countless fans are shocked to see these master thespians in awful movies. But what’s irrational about wanting more money? They like to act and they love getting paid. Seems rational to me. 

For another, his name may be “Cruise” but when do you ever remember him living up to it? I know of no instance of him employing nautical metaphors during a red carpet interview. He doesn’t wear a captain’s hat, mind the tides, or choose boats when other celebrities opt for private jets and limos. In other words, he’s anything but a true cruiser. Right?

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