Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Meet your enemies


It’s often said by those running out of things to say that you shouldn’t meet your heroes. All they can do is fall short and disappoint. Revealing their true character in a crushing way, destroying a former childlike wonderment at it takes to be a real hero. How many crestfallen kids have to slink across the faux marble floors after a lackluster meeting with a mall Santa before we as a society decide to do something about it?


Heroes aren’t the problem. It’s enemies. There are only two things that can happen when you confront a loathed nemesis. Either your previous notions of derision are reinforced by the enemy being exactly who you expect them to be. Or you find yourself pleasantly surprised, saying, “they aren’t so bad.” Unlike a meeting with a hero, you can’t be disappointed here. 


So go out and find your rivals for a dinner, a drink, or just a long walk in the park. Whatever happens, you’ll still have a pretty good story to share. 

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