Monday, August 16, 2021

Sleep It Off

When I’m out and about peppering random people with questions, many of the recipients throw their hands up in silent protest. Either that or it’s a sign language phrase I’ve yet to learn. I ask them seemingly simple things like, “why are you woke?” to which they correct the record by saying, “I’m not woke, I’m super-woke.” When I ask how woke is super-woke on a scale of 1 to woke they clam up, barely mustering up enough breath to mutter, “I’m so tired.” 

Interesting development, if not exactly an unexpected one. To be woke and tired goes together like balls and gloves. How are we this shocked when a great many members of the population are walking zombies, incapable of shutting their minds off for shuteye? Insomnia shouldn’t be passively lauded, it should be handily defeated.

My advice is wholly apolitical and without judgment of any kind. Ever think of trying to get some rest? Sleeping does wonders for the body and the soul. Whenever people mention how tired they are, they act as if it’s some mysterious ailment modern science is far from solving. But the thing about fatigue is that it’s pretty much wiped out by sleeping. Whether finding a comfy futon or a firm patch of flooring, humans are quite adept at sleeping when it’s necessary. There isn’t much that can’t be alleviated by a quick REM cycle. 

Everyone has their own personal method of falling asleep. Some bang their heads slowly, while others require the assistance of a local shaman. It’s not for me to say. By counting sheep is far easier than being one. 

Plus, sleep deprivation is very unhealthy. Which could also explain the tenor of our current discourse. People get agitated when they’re tired, say things they don’t mean, mean things they don’t say. So turn out the lights, catch a few zees and all will be forgiven in the morning. You’ll wake up to find a refreshed and mildly more compassionate society. 

Good night and you might just wake up to a better tomorrow. 

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