Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Babylon ZZZzzzzzz

I have this great idea for a no holds barred satirical news site. It’s where nothing is sacred, except for the divinity of his lord and savior, Jesus “John” Christ. We don’t take anything too seriously either, except for the resurrection, spiritual rejection, and Miles Davis’ original rhythm section (Red Garland, Philly Joe Jones, Paul Chambers). And here, nothing is off limits, except for abortion, which has its limits. 

Alongside several of my closest disciples, we are the future of comedy. Instead of looking at what’s funny or topical in the world, we stick close to the Good Book. There are plenty of strong, underused one-liners found in Paul’s letters to the Corinthians.

On this site, we take our responsibility as arbiters of good taste with good humor. Unless that aforementioned humor involves poking fun at the very idea of a collection plate. Why not just have a tip jar on the end of every pew? Or, if the lack of cash within your congregation is an issue, there are digital avenues like Venmo and Zell that work just fine for the in-the-red reverend.

To put it simply, we’re willing to go places our opponents won’t. Like into a musty church basement for something other than a Gamblers Anonymous meeting. 

Our creative brainstorming sessions are wild. Think SNL in the late 70s, only that white stuff you spilled across the table isn't cocaine, but warm buttermilk. I find that girl scout cookies fuel the writing process. 

There is no line we won’t cross. Unless that line takes the shape of an actual cross. Then it’s our duty as humble supplicants to tread lightly. You can’t spell irreverence without reverence. 

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