Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Violence Isn’t Violence

How old-fashioned of you to persist under the demented delusion that violence consists solely of violent acts. It’s a little antiquated, don’t ya think? Like everything else in 2022, violence is far more inclusive than it used to be. Pugilism's big tent is bigger than ever. 

In an earlier era, hitting someone in your foursome across the face with a three wood was a violent act. Nowadays, it's only a mild critique. Violence is when you make fun of someone’s backswing while they're pitching out of the sand trap. 

It used to be said that kicking your fellow man in the chest with a steel-tipped work boot constituted violence. Today, it’s a form of constructive criticism, often from the leg of a construction worker. Violence, however, is remarking about their foot odor. 

Once upon a time, knocking another person out with a frying pan was considered extremely violent. When it’s just reasonable feedback. Violence is sighing at the sight of an overcooked garlic clove and sending them into a winter long depression.  

Rigorous debate should be as mentally taxing as bare-knuckling boxing was on the cerebellum at the turn of the 20th century. In order to score intellectual points and win an argument on the merits, one needs to land more than good lines. Headshots seem to help.

Limiting violence to the physical is a narrow-minded way of thinking and dare I say, violent mindset. So try not to do that. Or else.  


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