Thursday, August 18, 2022

Ideas Live On

There’s an idea going around, one that, for whatever reason, won’t die. Rather ironically, or quite confusingly, it’s that ideas can die. They can’t. Not when you really think about it.

For one thing, have you ever seen an idea in Florida for longer than a long weekend? Ever seen an idea at a Dolphins game, rooting for the hometown “fish?” Ideas skip Disneyworld for an audience with the king. Ideas aren’t ever found riding shotugn in a fan boat for a midnight swamp tour. They don’t trawl the everglades for delectable frogs and other barely edible fare. Ideas don’t play shuffleboard or wear white shoes. Ideas don’t lather on sunscreen or big floppy hats. They don’t sit poolside eating bowl after bowl of museli sipping on a tallest glass of vegetable juice. Ideas don’t wear glasses or have arthritis. Ideas don’t get visited by greedy children hoping for an early inheritance. Ideas don’t retire.

They stick around. Look at the flat earthers as one such example of this sort of persistence. They didn’t pack up their belongings in paper thin valises when the first globe rolled into town. They kept on believing. Why? Because ideas don’t go quietly into the night. They stay strong.


From the resurgence of the mullet to the indefatigable career of Keanu Reeves, I think I've more than made my point. 

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