Monday, March 11, 2024

Bye, The Pharm


Serious creative side effects can occur that can be severe, such as the loss or erosion of good ideas, total or partial confusion, boredom, annoyance, apathy, and anger, usually manifested through shaking your head, hands or feet, hitting your head against a wall, desk or window, staring into the abyss, bouts of occasional crying, frequent yelling, primal shrieking, howling, singing, humming, snapping, dissonant whistling, the tendency to provide numerous caveats, excuses, and qualifications when confronted actual work. If you feel you’re becoming a hack, seek professional help immediately, specifically a talent coordinator, or recruiter. Report an odd preference for incomprehensible corporate jargon, which can be career threatening, or uncontrolled nonsense, which may become permanent. High salaries can lead to truly atrocious work, but can result in general weirdness, trouble sleeping and eventually, quitting. 


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