Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Cleaning Spring



The filthy among us, in search of a bright spot along a shelf of dust mites, choose early Spring as the time they will clean up their act. I’m not buying it. A grizzly bear waking up from deep hibernation has less to clean up than some of these people. They think that a few buckets of Pledge and a mop are enough to change the narrative on their sorry, disgusting lives. This isn’t how it remotely works.


You live a dirty existence, in the muck, the mire, the sewer, and the squalor and you think that a few index finger rubs across a dusty dresser will do the trick. They won’t. Cleaning involves more than cleaning products. And it can’t only take place in the spring, before the heat and the smells overtake a community. 


The same people promoting spring cleaning never explain how it gibes with March and April gardening. How a person can be face down in a flower bed and have the temerity to talk about cleanliness. Washing your hands is a just a start. 


Because cleaning is something you have to do multiple times a day, working on the mind, body, and spirit. Sometimes together, sometimes separately. Spring isn’t nearly adequate.

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