Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Don the Lemon


Q: Is there something about your journalist you don’t like? 

A: Where do I start? It’s just not working out. It babbles incoherently, complains constantly, makes ridiculous demands. It’s one thing when you’re related to someone with the above characteristics, but this a job. I knew I wasn’t getting a Cronkite-level product, but this is still very disappointing. It’s one thing to be stupid, it’s another thing to do so while believing you’re smart. I wanted a bargain TV host that was able to form a complete sentence. I got something very different. Something far more annoying.

Q: Well, can try to get you a new one, if you’d like. You might want to try Substack, that’s where a lot of the good ones end up. But I would caution against getting a great one. That might be more trouble than it’s worth.

A: For who? 

Q: You. 

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