Monday, March 4, 2024

Wait, am I in a cult?

Sometimes, you can be in a group setting, surrounded by good and decent people. You’re laughing and mostly having a fun time. You’re sitting down too, passing around a bulbous cheese plate to newcomers, when it dawns you: am I in a cult?  

You might be. 

Determining whether you’re a member of a cult has only gotten more difficult in recent years. That’s why I’ve come up with a simple step-by-step questionnaire used to uncover the truth. You won’t be left in the dark any longer. 

Do you have multiple interests or just one, all-encompassing interest? 


Do you  constantly change the subject in casual conversation to your single interest? 


Do you worship any individual outside of those usually found in conventional religious institutions?


Can you read this questionnaire or is a fellow traveler reading it to you right now? 


Are you obviously out of shape?


Do you wear cheap, ill-fitting red baseball hats no matter the situation?


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