Monday, March 18, 2024

Election alla Putinesqua


Yields about 85-90% of the vote (don’t let the allure of 100% entice you. The idea is to appear legitimate)


-Add extra votes as needed, to taste, as it were

-Armed security guards

-Surveillance cameras 

-A hint of controlled opposition (for appearances)

-A good helping of propaganda


You want to deal with dissent prior to the first ballot. Remember: you have Siberia, this vast wonderland of nothingness at your disposal. So use it. 


Let people think they are voting in a democratic election but make it clear that you’re the only viable candidate. That way, when they walk into booth understanding their mission.  


Employing religious overtones in sham elections never hurt an authoritarian. Instead of worrying about corporeal endorsements, nod to the clearly ethereal. 


Regardless of the outcome, you’re not going anywhere.


And don’t forget to add capers.

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