Monday, October 11, 2021

Appraising Charlie Chaplin If Charlie Chaplin Were a Dog

“Cut! Bad Charlie, Bad Charlie, we don’t want you to actually eat the shoe.”

“He’s chasing his tail again. Let’s break for lunch.”

“I know he’s English, but I’ve never seen anyone eat that many biscuits at teatime.”

“Don’t pet him Kid, he might have rabies.”

“Let’s fix him in post.” 

“I think he has fleas.” 

“Is it really necessary to put a derby hat on him? He’s a dog for Chrissake.”  

“I heard he shot The Fireman simply for easy access to hydrants.”

“What’s next, cat cinematographers?”

“He can’t stop chewing the scenery. Seriously, we’re way over budget by constantly rebuilding the sets.”  

“Most dogs bark, but this one has his own orchestra.”

“Great actors hit their marks while he just marks his territory.”

“He did a wonderful job on Modern Times, for a dog.” 

“I hope he doesn’t think we’re going to let them vote now.” 

“I heard he’s marrying again, but this time to a much younger woman. Do you know what a 36-year age difference is in dog years?”

“He should stick to his own kind. Like a French poodle or something.”

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